Chichibu 34 Kannon Temple Circuit -Pilgrimage on Tokyo’s Door step!-

Updated on:2024.10.23
Welcome to the historic Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage!
The Chichibu pilgrimage to 34 temples dedicated to Kannon is part of an impressive and historic pilgrimage called the Japan 100 Kannon Pilgrimage that also includes the Saigoku pilgrimage to 33 temples in Japan.
It is thought that the temples on the Chichibu pilgrimage began in the early 13th century. In the 17th century, many pilgrims visited Chichibu from near by Edo(present day-Tokyo) to complete the Chichibu pilgrimage as total distance is only 100km.
The temples on the Chichibu pilgrimage are called fudasho, literally meaning the place for wooden nameplates or fuda. It originated from old practice of pilgrims nailing wooden nameplates to the sides of the temples to mark their visit.
Please enjoy walking the route whether to discover the history, seek help from Kannnon bodhisattva, or enjoy the scenery and hiking with taking the map!
You can download Chichibu Pilgrimage Guide Map here

How to do the Pilgrimage
You can visit the temples in order from No/1-No.34, or in any order that suit you. There are various kinds of signs to the temples along the route. While part of the route is through towns, part of it involves walking over mountain passes and on unpaved paths through mountains.
Wear walking shoes and appropriate clothing, and plan your trip according to your fitness level.
Please see the link below.
(JNTO: Japan Restaurant Search)
Hot Spas
You can find the hot spas around chichibu area in the link below.
(Chichibu Area Tourism Organization Website)

Approx.1hour and 20 min. by limted express train from Ikebukuro Station on Seibu-Ikebukuro line.
※depends on which temple you want to visit. Please check the map.
Temple hours
March to October 8:00-17:00
November to February 8:00-16:00
Closed for lunch: 12:00-12:30
Chichibu Fudasyo union
Pilgrimage Goods You can buy at temple1,3,and 18.
Admission fee for temple Free ※Some temples : 200-300yen