Chichibu Fudasho Pilgrimage: Sacred Site No. 9, Akechiji Temple of Mt. Myōjō

A temple for safe childbirth and child-rearing, and protection from evil.
The main deity of the temple, Nyoirin Kannon, or Cintamanicakra, is said to be the God of Mercy and Wisdom, who holds a wish-fulfilling jewel that removes evil and purifies the clouded mind, relieves suffering, and bestows prosperity by giving gold and silver treasures.
In the precincts of the temple are three Muromachi period (1336-1573) blue stone pagodas of the three Amitabha images and a mound of letters from the first year of the Hoei era, in which women wrote down their wishes and deposited them.
Basic Information
2160 Yokoze, Yokoze-machi, Chichibu-gun
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