Doukan Omotenashi Plaza


Doukan Omotenashi (hospitality) Plaza provides information on Ogose Town tourist attractions, historical sites, hiking trails, cherry blossom forecasts, and specialty products. Be sure to stop by when visiting Ogose Town!

Basic Information

386-8 Ogose, Ogose Town, Iruma-gun

Business hours / Fee

Business hours
8:30 - 17:00

How to get there

Public transport
A short walk from the west exit of Ogose Station on the JR Hachiko Line and Tobu-Ogose Line
About 25 minutes from the Kanetsu Expressway Sakado Nishi IC (Smart Interchange).
About 35 minutes from Tsurugashima IC on the Kanetsu Expressway.


Nearby spots

Ogose Town Information Center (OTIC)
Ogose Town Information Center (OTIC)

Located immediately next to the Ogose Station West Exit, this facility is used by many as a rest spot and meeting place, as a rendezvous point for hiking and to purchase souvenirs and light meals (rice balls, pizza, coffee, juice). There is also a free shuttle bus to SPA O Park OGOSE that departs from in front of the facility.

Yamabuki no Sato Historical Park
Yamabuki no Sato Historical Park

Yamabuki no Sato is associated with Ota Dokan, who was also famous for writing Japanese waka poetry. In the spring, about 2,500 Japanese rose trees sway in the breeze and match with the water mill hut to create an elegant atmosphere.

Sakuranoyama Park
Sakuranoyama Park

Around 300 Someiyoshino cherry trees are in full bloom at Sakuranoyama Park in early April and the mountain peak boasts a view that overlooks the Saitama-Shintoshin area. A large fireworks display is held every year on the second Saturday of May.

Godaison Azalea Park
Godaison Azalea Park

Ancient trees said to have been planted more than 350 years ago line either side of the stone steps of Godaison, where the five statues of Myo-o, the gods of wisdom, are enshrined. The adjacent Azalea park is one of the best Azalea viewing spots in the Kanto region, with about 10,000 azalea plants in bloom.

Horseback Archery at Izumo Iwai Shrine
Horseback Archery at Izumo Iwai Shrine

The stage for a powerful display of horseback archery, Izumo Iwai Shrine is the oldest shrine in the prefecture and, together with two building signs, designated as a national important cultural property. According to legend, the origin of the tradition dates back to 1063, when Minamoto no Yoshie visited the area to express gratitude after his successful conquest of Oshu, building the Hachiman Shrine dedicated to the god of horseback archery. Every spring and autumn, young people perform beautiful displays of archery while riding on the backs of galloping horses.

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